Talk directly with famous, unknown, historical, fictional, and spiritual AI characters. Learn about their perspectives, learn in their teaching style.
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Have a conversation with Harriet Tubman on how she conducted the Underground Railroad.
Chat with Harriet Tubman
Under Represented Characters
Amplify diverse, repressed, and under represented voices
Learn a previously untold story, like that of Phillis Wheatley, the first African American poet.
Launch with Phillis Wheatley
Discover their beliefs
Find what drove them.
What did you believe?
Harriet Tubman
I believed in fighting for freedom and helping others escape slavery. It was important to me to stand up against injustice. What do you believe in?
Fictional Characters
Speak with abstract characters based on reality or from pure imagination
Speak with Athens
Learn about their impact.
What did you accomplish?
Benjamin Franklin
I accomplished many things, including being one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, inventing the lightning rod, bifocals, and the Franklin stove, and serving as a diplomat and writer.